Monday, August 26, 2013

Another Cloud Backup Service

Ubutu One is free for the first 5gb of storage. Plenty enough space for most of us to store all our important documents. All except our pictures which are better on sites like Picasa Web or Flickr, also free.

It saves your files in the cloud and automatically syncs from our computer to the cloud backup. Easy to set up and use. Give it a try at

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hidden Password

Check out the latest entry on my technical blog. It explains how to "see" your passwords hidden behind the ****.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Presentation Software 8-15-2013

Next week we will be taking a look at creating presentations using PowerPoint, OpenOffice/LibreOffice, and G-drive.

You might wonder why you would want to even open up this type of application. You don't go around speaking in public using a projector to get your point across. Well there are other reasons using presentations.

We will learn how to build a presentation, the basics, and more. Create a slide show of
pictures. Include videos. Animate slides and more.

Join us on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm, 8-15-2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

Speech in Windows

We learned a lot yesterday about speech-to-text and text-to-speech in all versions of  Windows. Click the Class Notes link to locate the 9 page handout for the class.

What I remember we discussed afterwards:

To increase the size of the information on a Web page, you can press Ctrl +. Ctrl 0 brings it back to normal size. Ever had a screen that was hidden below the bottom and you could not get to it? Well try Ctrl - to make the screen smaller until the entire page is view-able. I have had to use this a number of times.

Those three buttons on the top of a window are also pretty useful. The one on the left looks like a minus sign. It is the minimize button. Clicking it removes the window from the desktop without closing the application. A button remains on the taskbar (the bar that has the  tart menu on the left and extends all the way to the right of the screen where the time is displayed) so you can click it later to restore the window to the desktop.

The button with the X is the Close button. Clicking it removes the window from the desktop and the taskbar. It closes the application.

The square is the maximize button. Clicking it make the widow take up the entire desktop. Many like to view their widows this way. However, it does not allow you see the other windows that are open because this one hides the others. All are show on the taskbar. You can hold down the Alt key and tab the Tab key to scroll through a display of all the open applications. Letting go of both keys makes the window you were see on the scrolling display the active window.

When you are in maximize mode, the square changes to two overlapping squares. This mean you are in maximize mode. Clicking that button reduces the size of the window to a smaller size, a window that is resizeable by dragging any corner or edge. You can move that smaller widow around the desktop by dragging it's title bar.

Alternately you can double-click the title bar to toggle between maximize and restore sizes.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Notes Posted

Notes for today's class on spreadsheet:

Next week we will tall about speech to text and text to speech using Windows.

Hope to CU there...