Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Computer Club Class 4-21-2020

It was a busy class with lots of good questions for the 35 members that joined in today on Zoom. We will be back next Tuesday for more of the same. I appreciated the email from Donna with her questions. And the questions others had during the class.

I did video the session and it is available at https://tinyurl.com/yap9ftpc

What happens when you "subscribe" on YouTube?
You can find a Subscribe button under any YouTube video or on a channel's page. Once you subscribe to a channel, any new videos it publishes will show up in your Subscription feed. You may also start getting notifications when a channel you subscribe to publishes new content.

The 15 Best Free PDF Readers of 2020
There are hundreds of PDF readers and some can cost you almost a thousand dollars per year, so we sifted through the internet to find the best free PDF readers that you can download online.

CCCGC instructions on how to use Reflect
https://tinyurl.com/yazcx9qz for the paper on Reflect

I have been using EaseUS instead of Reflect. I find it easier to use both on making a backup and restoring one. My latest article on EaseUS can be found on Dave’s…
https://tinyurl.com/y5zvphmf for that article

Why do you advise that we uncheck "automatically check for updates" in Glary?

To save time and not be annoyed. So you do no get the pop up telling you programs need updates and so it is not running in the background. You can open Glary and on the Overview tab click the update button to have it check for you. This one tells me that 11 of my non-Microsoft programs are out of date. Clicking on the button will bring me to a screen to download updates.

The Best Websites For Buying Refurbished Electronics
Many of us tend to buy brand new products. But, is that even necessary? There are online stores that offer refurbished electronics that are often the same (or a bit lower quality) as the brand new one. However, refurbished products are often much cheaper.

Remote Access
How do I get access to help another user? If you are both running Windows 10 it is easy.

If I am giving assistance, I open Quick Assist and click the give assistance button. After entering my Microsoft credentials it generates a six-digit code.

I have the other person on the phone and have they open Quick Assist by tapping Win+Q and typing Quick. Then I have them open Quick Assist from the top of the list that appears above. They enter the code I give them over the phone and press Get Assistance. They agree to give me permission and I have control of their computer.

If either machine is not Windows 10 then they have to use a third party application like TeamViewer.
https://bit.ly/2Vsx9IC for free TeamViewer

Downloads Folder
The default location of all downloaded files and applications in the downloads folder unless you specify another location in your browser. I suggest you move the important files to a better location right away. Downloaded applications and zip files can probably be removed. If you don’t stay on top of it the downloads folder can become quite large. Since our hard drives are so big and fast we really don’t notice it. However, searching takes longer and backups are longer and larger. So it is a good idea to purge it from time to time. I suggest you backup first, then purge. That way if there is a file you need later you can locate it in your backup.

So the simple answer is Yes. It is okay to delete unneeded files from downloads. Remember that anything deleted moves over to the recycle bin and sill stay there until you empty it. Running the maintenance programs will clean it out.

It is a great way to send multiple emails. If you send them using your normal email like Comcast, Yahoo, Gmail, or whatever you can send multiple emails by inserting more than one email address in the TO, CC, or BCC boxes. However, each email service has a maximum number of emails you can send in a month without being considered spamming. Using a free service like MailChimp lets you maintain a database of names and email addresses and when you send using their service everyone gets an individual email. You can even write it now and schedule it to be sent in the future. After it is sent you can check the reporting feature to see how many were actually read and even who read it.

Word Questions
Even though most users today have never used a typewriter or even know what one is, they still get to the end of a line and want to hit the enter key to get to the next line.

Looking at their document, you can't tell there are problems. It prints fine. Everything is lined up. Then they add a word or two in the middle of a paragraph and everything is off. The same will happen if they decide to change the font style or size. Everything is off.

All word processors have a feature called word wrap. As you type and there is not enough room on the line to contain the entire word, you are brought to the beginning of the next line automatically. That is what is happening right now as I type this into my phone using Google Docs.

Non-Breaking Space In Microsoft Word
Ever have a phrase in Word that you do not want to split into another line? Like March 31 should stay together and not have a line ending with March and the new line starting with 31. Or Mr Evans with the Mr on the first line and Evans on the second. And Chapter 3 should be all on the same line. You get the idea.

It is very simple, but unknown by most Word users. Instead of hitting the spacebar at the end of the first item, press Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar. You will not see anything different unless you turn on the Show-Hide button. But if you insert some extra words to the left of the phrase, the whole phrase will move to the next line.

Download from YouTube
Yes, you can download the videos on YouTube to watch them later without internet access.

1. Locate the video on YouTube
2. Locate its URL in the address bar
3. Add pp after youtube and hit the Enter key
4. On the next page, the URL will already be there. Choose the type and size of the file you desire and click download. It will place it in your download folder.
5. Click Download and the video will be converted and downloaded to your Download folder

Transfer music to iPhone from PC
I have never tried this as I do not listen to music on my iPhone. It seems straight forward. You will need to install iTunes on your computer.

1. Connect your iPhone to PC via matched USB cable.
2. Open iTunes.
3. After that, on the left corner of the interface click the phone icon. ..
4. Import music into iTunes library from the computer by clicking File and then Add File to Library.
5. Now, under Settings tab click Music.

When the URL you are sending to someone is already short there is no reason to use a shortener like TinyURL. But if it is a long one usually taking multiple lines the resulting URL will be much easier especially if they have to type it in from a document and not just click on it from an email.

With TinyURL you simply copy the long URL into the clipboard (Ctrl+C) and then open tinyurl.com. Paste it into the text box and click the Make TinyURL! button. The shortened URL will appear. Simply copy it to the clipboard and paste it into your email, Facebook, a document, etc.

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