Friday, September 7, 2018

Class Notes 9-6-2018

Good discussions today. What follows are brief summaries from memory. We hi on a number of other subjects as the questions came.

Meeting on Thursdays for the rest of September. In October we will meet on Tuesdays. That will be my "day at the office." I will continue to be available for one-on-ones and to help starting at 10 am. At 2 pm I will begin the class and end at 4 pm. Hope that works out for most of you.

Speech to Text
Our phones let us speak into them and convert our words to typed letters. Well Window 10 can do it too. Win+H and turn on the speech to text feature. What you say is typed into wherever your cursor is on the screen. Works in Email, Facebook message, WordPad… everywhere. Give it a try.

Word Search
You can find word searches in newspapers, magazines, and even purchase books filled with them. With this website you can create your own. Good for personal fun or for presents to your grandkids with searches built using their names and other family names.

These last two came from the talks from George Kopenec at our monthly meetings. He has discovered a number of neat programs or websites. You can find them on our club site ( under Monthly Favorites. Thanks, George.

PicPick is a good replacement for the Paint program in windows. In addition to the edit capabilities in Paint, PicPick allows you to capture a screen or a portion of a screen using the PrtScr key on your keyboard--PrtScr puts an image in your clipboard of the entire screen and Shift+PrtScr allows you to select the portion of the screen you want captured. Other programs to capture the screen or part of the screen: Snipping Tool, MWsnap, Greenshot

Background Apps
Win+I > Privacy > Background Apps > Turn Off All or just the ones you do not use

Ear Spy
Consider you and your spouse are watching TV and the volume is too low for you to catch all the words. Your spouse doesn’t like it loud enough for you to hear as it i too loud for them.

Check your date and time


if your internal battery is low or dead you might see your clock out of sync with reality. If it is way out of whack you will get issues accessing web pages. You might even get a black screen when you boot up requiring you to press F1 to continue.

BTW your laptop will run fine without its battery if you keep it plugged into the power. However a totally dead battery might not allow the laptop to turn on. I have found reasonably price replacements on Amazon.

CCleaner 5.46 ships with clearer privacy options

How to view your photos in order by date-uploaded rather than date-taken
When you use Google Photos to store your pictures, they are organized in one great big stream, by date the photo was taken. The most recent photo is on the top, as you scroll down you're going back in time. On a mobile device you can pinch the screen until you see your photos grouped by year and month.

In addition to my own research, I want to give thanks to Harold at the Club, Newsletter, AskLeo, tomshardware, TechConnect, and for the useful ideas we take a look at each week.

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