Friday, December 18, 2020

Computer Class Notes 12-17-2020

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A QR code is a type of matrix barcode first designed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan. To read the contents of a QR code you need to have a QR reader app on your cell phone.

A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached. Like with the QR, you need an app on your cell phone to read the barcode. The Sam’s Club and the Walmart apps each include bar code readers.

IrfanView is an image viewer, editor, organizer, and converter program for Microsoft Windows. It can also play video and audio files and has some image creation and painting capabilities. This is a freeware image editor and viewer. I have used it to display a series of pictures as a looping slideshow. You can use it to resize those large pictures as well. It has many features including editing your image by cutting, enhancing the color, converting to B&W, and more. Even a way to resize one or a group of images. It is available on the Ninite list of programs.

Paint To Add Captions
You can use IrfanView to add captions to a picture. However, I find the simplest way is to use Microsoft Paint.

Win+R > Paint

Use the A in the Tools group. Draw a box where you would like to see a caption and type away. You can change the font, size, and color.

I like to increase the size of the background (the white box) so I have an area below the image and use it to show the caption.

Some Windows 10 updates will soon be force installed
Later this month, Microsoft will begin to forcibly install Windows 10 updates on devices running certain outdated versions of the operating system. In light of the fact, Windows 10 version 1903 has already reached the end of service, the remaining users will be automatically updated to version 1909, whether they like it or not.

How to Use the Built-In Stocks Feature in Microsoft Excel
If you need stock market data for your spreadsheet, you can save time and get up-to-date information with the built-in Stocks data type in Microsoft Excel. Here’s how to populate your sheet with details like ticker symbols, market caps, previous close, and more.

Stock Connector add in to Excel
Stock Connector lets you link stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, currencies, and cryptocurrencies to cells in your spreadsheets and refreshes them automatically.

Extract an Icon from a Windows EXE File
Sometimes you’re working on a project and need access to a high-quality version of a Windows 10 application icon, but you can’t find one on the internet. Luckily, a free utility called IconViewer makes it easy to extract a high-quality icon from an application’s EXE file. Here’s how. 

Windows PowerToys
  • PowerToys for Windows 10 includes the following utilities:
  • Color Picker is a tool for HEX and RGB color identification.
  • FancyZones creates a window manager that makes it easier to build complex window layouts.
  • File Explorer Preview adds Scalable Vector Graphics and Markdown previews to File Explorer.
  • Image Resizer puts an image-resizing option into the File Explorer context menus.
  • Keyboard Manager adds options for remapping keys and shortcuts.
  • PowerRename is a tool for bulk file renaming in File Explorer via search-and-replace or regular expressions.
  • PowerToys Run is a powerful search tool. Use it to find folders, files, applications, and other items.
  • Shortcut Guide pops up an overlay screen of Windows-key shortcuts for as long as the Winkey is pressed and held.

About Passwords
On my iPhone, all I have to do is ask Siri to “Show me my passwords” and a list of all saved passwords appears after I answer the security question.

In Google Chrome, on my Android phone, or my computer, I open the menu (three dots) and select Settings > Passwords to view a list of saved passwords

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