Saturday, June 27, 2015

Online Classes

We are experimenting with some online classes using Skype. I set up a Skype account named CCCGC.Club. Sign on to your Skype account and asked to be added to my account. I am going to put 2-4 on Thursdays aside for an Open Forum. You will NOT come to the club. This is totally online and you will access it from your house, or get together with another member and all watch on the same computer.

You will need:
1. An internet connection
2. Skype installed. I suggest the desktop program and not the Windows 8 app that comes with 8. You can download it at or get it from
3. A webcam connected to your PC. All new laptops have one, but if you have an older laptop or a desktop you may have to get an external one. You cannot setup Skype without a microphone and a camera. Desktops will also need a microphone as they usually do not have one; laptops do, even the older ones.

Sign in to Skype and ask to join my account ASAP so you will be ready to join the class on Thrusdays.

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